Ring Of Honor Weekend Results~!!!
Courtesy of ROHWrestling.com:
-- Detroit, MI- ''All Star Extravaganza III'' March 30th
1) Four Corner Survival: Adam Pearce w/Shane Hagadorn d. Colt Cabana via pinfall, Matt Sydal, & Chris Hero with Larry Sweeney.
2) Erick Stevens d. "Sugar Foot" Alex Payne in a Do or Die match that lasted about five seconds.
3) ROH vs. Dragon Gate: Masaaki Mochizuki d. Davey Richards via pinfall after a kick to the head. Said to be a good match.
- In-ring confrontation between Bruno Sammartino and Larry Sweeney. Sweeney challenges Bruno to face Chris Hero in an arm wrestling match. Hero and Larry were about to attack Bruno, but Nigel came in for the save. Bruno punched Larry. credit C&P from post on DVDVR
4) Anything Goes Mixed Tag Team Match: Jimmy Jacobs & Lacey d. BJ Whitmer & Daizee Haze. Jacobs nailed Daizee with a spear hard enough to send both of her shoes into the crowd, allowing Lacey to get the pin.
5) World Tag Team Title Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe d. Naruki Doi & Shingo. Mark botched the shooting star press to the outside and is hurt, taken to the back by paramedics. Jay managed to win the tag titles on his own and ROH has NEW tag team champions! (Mark Briscoe update/www.f4wonline.com)
- Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley are in the ring. Have challenged the Briscoes for tag titles next month in Chicago Ridge on April 28.
6) YAMATO d. Pelle Primeau in a quick match.
7) Brent Albright d. Nigel McGuinness. Chris Hero interfered in the match.
8) Special Attraction: Homicide d. Christopher Daniels. Daniels said to be in full heel mode. Adam Pearce jumps Homicide after the match and Jim Cornette came out for some revenge on Homicide!
9) Former Partners Collide: Roderick Strong d. Jack Evans cleanly. Said to be great with many sickening spots.
10) Eight Man All Star Dragon Gate Rules Match: CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid, & Ryo Saito d. Delirious, Austin Aries, Rocky Romero, & Claudio Castagnoli when CIMA pinned Delirious.
-- ROH Supercard of Honor II March 31st
1) Delirious & Jay Briscoe defeat Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal when Delirious pinned Sydal. Daniels played a mega heel in this one.
2) Claudio Castagnoli defeats YAMATO.
3) Do or Die Match: Erick Stevens DESTROYS Mitch Franklin.
-Larry Sweeney and Hero are out with Johnny Fairplay.
4) Nigel McGuinness defeated Chris Hero. Fairplay mauled with a lariat as well.
-Davey Richards comes out and announced Rocky Romero as the new member of the NRC.
5) Jack Evans & Naruki Doi defeat Davey Richards & Rocky Romero when Jack hit the 630.
6) Homicide defeats Brent Albright via DQ when Pearce interferes 2 minutes in. Colt Cabana is out .... tag match! The 4 are brawling all over the place.
7) Colt Cabana & Homicide defeat Pearce and Albright after Cornette sprays Albright by mistake and Colt gets the pin.
-The cage is being put up.
8) Whitmer vs Jacobs in the cage has began.
-Jimmy Jacobs has lost 2 teeth!!
-Both guys spiked one another. 2 spikes and chair in the ring.
-They are spiking one another at the same time over and over.
-A barbed wire bat is out.
-Jacobs is beginning to dominate.
-Whitmer is making a bloody comeback.
-Jimmy takes a sickening brainbuster on a chair from Whitmer.
-A table has come in to play.
-Lacey takes a piledriver!
-Jacobs reverses a top rope powerbomb in to a rana!
Jacobs puts BJ on a table and does a back senton off the top of the cage and gets the win!
9) Roderick Strong retains the FIP Championship over Austin Aries. Aries took a powerbomb on the rail and passed out in the Stronghold.
10) CIMA, Shingo & Susumu Yokosuka defeat Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Masaaki Mochizuki. Said to be a totally insane match.
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Labels: All Star Extravaganza III, Pro Wrestling, Results, Ring Of Honor, Supercard of Honor II
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