Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dr. Keith Lipinski Show - Holiday Extravaganza Night One Recap

Dr. Keith Lipinski Show - Holiday Extravaganza Night One Recap
Interviews with the Briscoe Brothers & Drake Younger
By Brian Cooper of

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The Briscoe Brothers (Mark & Jay) Recap

Dr. Keith asks the Briscoe Brothers about their delightful 'man-up' catchphrase, which the Briscoe's claim to be from their 'bring ass attitude.' The brothers Briscoe say they have been wrestling for almost 7 years since the age of 15 (Mark) 16 (Jay) and credit ECW for becoming wrestlers, name-checking Sabu and The Dudley Boyz, but sadly not the Zombie. They bring up a previous altercation with D-Von Dudley back at an ECW show back in the day.

They talk about Mark's motorcycle injury (which can be seen on his myspace,, with Jay saying he needed the time off due to burn out and 'not giving a fuck about wrestling' anymore. Mama and Papa Briscoe were always supportive of their sons wrestling dreams, with Papa Briscoe once losing to Kevin Kelly in an arm-wrestling match.

Keith asks what it was like training with legendary WCW star "Heavy Metal" Van Hammer. The Briscoe's said that VAN HAMMER TAUGHT THEM PSYCHOLOGY, although sadly not his most accomplished move: the guitar shot. They also hope to team together for their 'whole fucking life.'

Teams they credit include The Rockers, Midnight Express, The Steiner Brothers, The Funks, Brody & Hansen and The British Bulldogs. Mark talks about how TERRIBLE it was watching his brother Jay wrestle when the Pennsylvania state athletic commission didn't allow him to. He also talks about the mysterious masked tag team, The Midnight Outlaws and how someone ratted them out to Frank Tennant, who Mark now likes that he's older and wiser.

Dr. Keith asks why in the world would young Mark attempted a shooting star press off a truck (as seen in the ROH Motor City Madness show in Detroit, MI on 10/7/06)? Mark said the night before (in Cleveland) he did the same move with Ernie the Student which Keith, in his inebriated state, and in the midst of a confrontation and slap fight with Homicide, remembers perfectly. Dr. Keith goes on to tell the story of the shooting star in its finest glory and how the Briscoe's originally attempted to powerbomb someone from inside the truck to the outside, and almost had a Giant vs. Nash Souled Out 98 incident!

Keith asks how Mark lost his front teeth due to an errant chair shot by Jay at a Pro Wrestling Unplugged. Mark says that Jay used to call him Jabba because of his teeth, not any more!. Their time in TNA is discussed. Back in its infancy, the Briscoe's have had five-six dark matches with TNA but had a 'shitty' pay-per-view match. They have no regrets over TNA 'as we wouldn't be wrestling for NOAH next month,' or under Russo.

More on their first ever tour of NOAH, Dr. Keith put over their work with KENTA, especially the match with Kenta & Marufuji vs. The Briscoe's from Night one of Glory By Honor V. The Briscoe's liked the match even if it was held under a tent. Keith asks about KENTA's kicks; 'he kicks pretty darn hard,' they're looking forward to winning the GHC Junior tag team titles on their first trip of Pro Wrestling NOAH. Keith is gitty about them in NOAH. They view the pressure on them for 2007 as a good thing. Keith says the fact that they weren't kicked out of Japan on their first visit for Big Japan a few years ago as a good thing.

On how long they have left in pro-wrestling; 'I don't think my bodies got too many years left,' and talks over his DOG BREEDING BUSINESS that's currently on the go. The Briscoe compare injury stories. On Mark's pitbull; 'keep away from that... person, dog, cat.' Dog talk commences, they do not train their dogs to fight.

The Briscoe's then shoot on the local police due in scenic Delaware; 'Biggest son's of bitches around,' but laughing that 'they can't keep up with them bikes.' Dr. Keith suggests a sidecar with Jay in it in order to prevent another Briscoe Brothers Bike wipeout.

Keith asks about Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, 'they've got some good-ass (crop) down there.' The Briscoe's talk about missing their last flight there and whether they think they'll be back again.

The Briscoe's put over Smackdown and on TNA; 'RUSSO'S FUCKING ALL THAT UP.' They also put over 'polite' European fans, and talk about how they want to watch more old school tapes to hone their craft.

CZW, third Briscoe brother, the full blooded Haitians, the FIP WORLD tag team championships, and a question time with moustache talk, Ned Flanders Briscoe, Mark's Kawada teeth, the forthcoming TNA video game and their expansive Christmas present list are all discussed in this excellent interview. Including one of the finest segments in Dr. Keith history where he asks the Briscoe's one on one who the superior Briscoe is in the following areas: Better Wrestling Briscoe, Funnier Briscoe, Smarter Briscoe, More Powerful Briscoe, Better Video Gamer Briscoe, Superior Dental Hygiene Briscoe, Best Dancing Briscoe and of course Braver Briscoe? Great interview with two wonderful boys


Drake Younger Recap

The CZW Underground Ultra-Violent Champion Drake talks about being a huge "Sick" Nick Mondo mark, and wanting to excel at both the technical and garbage style of professional wrestling. What weapon has hurt him worst? It was in a no-roped barbed-wire after an Irish whip and falling onto his head outside the ring (checkout YouTube or Drake's myspace for sick footage of this).

WrestleMania VII is discussed which Drake attended. Drake says the photo's of Ric Flair and Elizabeth were doctored, 'no, no, no,' cries a heartbroken Doctor. Drake wasn't actually inspired by Papa Shango although he did enjoy Tugboat, even purchasing a Hulk Hogan friendship bracelet. 'YOU FUCKING MARK' proclaims Dr. Keith. Keith however suggests that that friendship bracelet could become a powerful weapon…Drake says he'll have to ask Zandig's permission to use his Hulkamania friendship bracelet in CZW.

Drake gives a lecture on the perils of backyard wrestling. After backyarding, Drake was trained by American Kickboxer, and talking about listening to ring veterans talking about the business on a long van ride. Thankfully two of those vets were Tracy Smothers and Iron Sheik. Keith would have loved to be riding shotgun and listen to Tracy and Sheiky baby talking about the business. The best piece of advice Ian Rotten gave Drake was 'quit half-assing and come to IWA,' and asks with a straight face; 'how many huge wrestlers have came from the IWA?'

Apparently Drake vs. JC Bailey in a barefoot thumbtack death match 'hurt like hell,' and that the tacks were dirty. He was told about the match the ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW, Jim Cornette would love that one. Tabasco and lemon juice were also ingredients in another match-up, 'it felt like my feet had swollen up to the net shoe size.' If thousands of thumbtacks, Tabasco(~!) and lemon juice weren't enough, two boxes of light tubes were also added later on that night.

What is the Necro Butcher like? 'He's the nicest man in the world, and in wrestling him, he had the greatest time in the world, although he 'hurts like hell,' afterwards. Drake has 'always, always, always, always wanted to work with Eddie Kingston SO bad.' They talk about their match at the IWA-MS Strong Style 2006 Tournament which is available at Keith puts over that even though Drake lost to Eddie in the finals, he was the MVP of the night according to referee PJ Drummond.

Drake talks about wrestling six matches in two IWA tournaments (Strong Style in Mid South, Carnage Cup in Deep South) weekend, including a 200 light tube match, and even though 'it sounds kinda gay' he felt 'more of a man,' after the weekend of strong style and hardcore.

Keith asks Drake whether he will wrestle for Big Japan, which Drake says is his 'ULTIMATE GOAL! 'The splendid interview finishes with more Christmas present discussion. Very good interview. Checkout for more information on this up and comer.

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Also available….

Holiday extravaganza night two with Excalibur, UltraMantis Black, Delirious, and Mr. Larry Sweeney!

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