Thursday, March 1, 2007

Alan Wojcik Reviews DOI Video's Shoot w/Homicide & J-Train

Please Alan J. Wojcik of if used, thanks.

The Declaration Of Independents website have been branching out into shoot DVD’s and thanks to the folks at you will learn more about the northeastern wrestling scene in one DVD then if you lived there all your life. One of the DVD’s that accomplish this is a shoot interview with “Cold Hearted Playa” Danny Demanto conducted by’s The Mic.

Despite only wrestling for five years (he says he was a photographer for promotions before wrestling) Demanto has worked for everyone from IWA-MS, SSCW, WXW, Jac Sabboth’s UCW to Frank Goodman’s USA Pro (now UXW) and JAPW. After watching it seemed Demanto had a story about everyone in the scene ringrats included. He shoots on Low Ki, Dan (Maff) Lopez, Simon Diamond, Becky Bayless, Johnny Candido, Prince Nana, Devin Moore, B-Boy, Vader, Lowlife Louie, Papadon, Trent Acid, Dana Dameson, Billy Riel, the life and death of Jimmy Hustler, Corvis Fear, Axl Rotten, Justin Cage, Chrissy Rivera, EC Negro, Teddy Hart, Valentina, Kevin Matthews, smart mark fans, winning the JAPW title from Jay Lethal, Frankie Starr, Helter Skelter, Damian Dragon, Foxxy Dreams, Tara Charisma and Deranged who he had a fight with before an Elks Lodge event.

Demanto doesn’t hold back his feelings on Goodman or Sabboth who witnessed the interview (looks like the DOI shoots are done in his store in Queens .) Mr. Goodman is the brunt of stories on ticket sellers, lies about Sabboth and the way he ran shows before moving to Florida . He tells stories of how Tara Charisma got her ring name, his matches with New Jack, Sandman, “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, Gary Wolfe, Jay Lethal and others. You learn his version f homicide attacking him at Louie’s wedding, Maff cornering him about using the Shining Wizard in a match and does great impressions of Goodman, Johnny D, Lowlife Louie and Carmine Sabia. Most of the second DVD is word association and no one is safe there.

This DVD was funny and informative and should be watched whether you like or hate Demanto. The only bad part about the DVD and the other two which will be reviewed in the coming days is they are DVD-R and they tend to skip for no reason. Could be my player or dust on the discs. It sells for $9.95 and can be found on you can also see a video clip on that site or the home site,

The Declaration Of Independents website have been branching out into shoot DVD’s and thanks to the folks at you will learn more about the northeastern wrestling scene in one DVD then if you lived there all your life. One of the DVD’s that accomplishes this is the double DVD shoot interview with “the Notorious 187” Homicide and Julius “J-Train” Smokes conducted by’s The Mic.

This interview was done right around the time Homicide defeated “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson for the ROH World title. Right off the bat Homicide shows his “love” for the ROH message board and its writers. Homicide and J-Train are 100% uncensored from the opening question until the shoot ends. DOI left nothing at the door, going back to the Doghouse days asking about each member who has gone on to fame, to Homicide’s days in the Natural Born Sinners with Boogalu, all way to his two NWA World Tag Team title reigns with Hernandez and his inclusion in the Latin American Xchange.

In between they talk about the many promotions in the northeast both have worked for, from JAPW and UCW to 3PW and UXW with others in between talk of promoters Jac Sabboth, Jasmine St. Claire, “Fat” Frank and Frank Goodman included. Also mentioned are ROH and its southern counterpart FIP where Homicide and CM Punk fought into a strip club adjacent to the wrestling show. No opponent or wrestler on the indy scene is overlooked. Include are CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere, Colt Cabana, B-Boy, American Dragon, Low Ki, Xavier, Steve Corino, Teddy Hart and Jay Lethal. The Danny “Maff” Lopez issue is touched on but like other interviews you will not find out the absolute truth and I am not surprised since it’s a private matter.

As I mentioned this is 100% uncensored and like Homicide, J-Train holds nothing back expressing his feelings and actually breaking out into song on several occasions. He talks openly about his total hatred of former ECW stars Raven and New Jack while praising the successes of Doghouse members Low Ki/Senshi, the Havana Pitbulls and of course Homicide. The CZW/ROH working feud is touched on as well as J-Train’s feelings on Homicide’s TNA success and Konnan’s influence on his client. Both add some thoughts on former ROH member Rob Feinstein and some of the comments made by wrestlers after the fact. Homicide talks about a certain hardcore legend trying to get him into the WWE version of ECW and his working relationship with TNA’s Jeff Jarrett.

I have interviewed Homicide twice for my site and this DVD interview is top notch as Homicide is so honest its scary TNA or ROH allowed him to do this shoot. I had to stop and rewind back a few times to make sure I heard stuff correctly. It retails for $14.95 and can be purchased on where you can view previews of the DVD as well as others including Foxxy Dreams, Danny Demanto and Eddie Kingston.

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