Thursday, April 12, 2007

From The Desk Of Tod Gordon... 4 New Faces In PWU

MOORE THAN ENOUGH! THREE'S A CROWD! We have received more mail in the last few weeks than at any time in this company's history. A great deal of the mail has been asking for an explanation of the title for our upcoming show, April 21st, less than two weeks away. Many fans want to hear the whole card, and this column will address and answer all of the above.

We have also received a great deal of mail asking me to discuss what’s going on here in Philadelphia with not only PWU, but other Philly-based feds. I don’t see this as the forum to answer that, but I intend to deal with that and any questions you fans have on Thursday night April 19th on PWP Live which you can find at

Back to THREE’S A CROWD! Obviously, the title MOORE THAN ENOUGH, refers to our heavyweight champion, the high flying Devon Moore. Saturday the 21rst he will climb in the ring with two miserable, highly disliked by fans and wrestlers alike, former tag team champions Joker and Ricky Reyes. Not only are these two hated by everyone, they now can’t seem to get along with each other as well. While they are both legit tough guys, they showed weakness when they allowed John House to get inside their heads and prey on their enormous egos as he told them both that they should be world champion. Now, in order to do that, they have to get past not only Devon, but each other. I have a feeling this one may get ugly early and we will add security to ensure our fans’ safety.

Also on this card, we welcome home our own Trent Acid from another long tour and also bid him farewell as he leaves the next day for Europe for the King of Europe tournament. Before he leaves, however, he will face an old friend and foe, depending on when it was, in the returning Messiah. We’re aware of the issues between Messiah and Adam Flash. In fact anyone who was outside the building last month is aware of their issues, but Messiah would be wise to focus on Acid in this one as he’s not a former heavyweight champion for nothing.

The Hatchet Boyz will be in the house as well as Corporal Robinson and Too Tuff Tony will square off against Pro Wrestling Unplugged newcomers THE IRON SAINTS, Vito and Sal Thomaselli who will be looking to stamp their mark on a new audience of fans than they are used to performing in front of down south. Our own tag team champions, All Money is Legal (AMIL) will also meet Arena newcomers, only this time from California as the APW team of Billy Blade and Michael Rayne known collectively as Bloodline want to show the east coast boys that the west has some kick ass teams as well and they would love to defend newly won belts in their home state of California.

Here’s where the THREE’S A CROWD part comes in. You know PWU thrives on being innovative, thrives on shocking and surprising our fans, and this month will be no different. We will be presenting what I believe to be the first ever wrestling card to feature 5, that’s FIVE different and unique matches that we originated in this very building in 1994, that we affectionately call THE THREE WAY DANCE. In addition to Moore, Joker, and Reyes, our fans will be treated to Aramis, Lucky, and Luke Hawx in a match that is starting to get some true rivalry to it; The SAT’s, Angus Brothers, and Bosom Buddies - Drew Blood and Teddy Fine will hook it up to see who the #1 tag team contender will be. The SAT’s held those belts for many, many months and feel disrespected by having to even take place in this match, so this one has some interesting undertones as well.

HERE COME THE SURPRISES! First, three previously unannounced talents will be debuting for Pro Wrestling Unplugged that night. This is what the “smarks” would term a DREAM MATCH, as making their respective debuts in the fourth of five 3 WAY DANCES will be none other than the third Thomaselli brother, Brandon Thomaselli as he will let it all hang out against Ricochet and Chuck Taylor. For those of you who have never seen a tape of these three, let me assure you on my name that this match has the potential to steal the entire show. If you like high flying, incredibly fast paced, in your face wrestling, this is the match you don’t want to miss.

That would bring me to the final 3 way. The man that has become the bane of my existence, one Johnny Kashmere, who just last month put Women’s champion Amy Lee through a barbed wire table and now has vowed to do the same to another high flying newcomer out of Florida by the name of Zack Maguire. Zack is one of the few deaf wrestlers in the history of the business and Kashmere seems to take delight in making derogatory statements about the physically challenged. He has even promised to put Zack through a barbed wire table as well. Fans, I offer up to you a final surprise, one I’m sure Kashmere will not be very happy about. PWU management has acquired the services of none other than Zach Gowen, a wrestler with one prosthetic leg and one kick ass style. Since Johnny thought he would have such an easy time against one wrestler who has overcome the odds, we’ll all get to sit back and enjoy him try to do that with two of them. Kashmere, Gowen, and Maguire. You’re welcome Johnny, and Amy Lee will be in the building looking for you as well.

I’m exhausted from just typing this. Imagine what it will be like to witness all of this live. It’s easy to do. Saturday night, April 21st, bell time 7:30, PWU will show everyone what the hottest new product in the business is today. For tickets, go to, where you can also get directions to this mega event. Seats will move quickly for this event as there have been rumors of other major surprises. Sometimes WE don’t even know

Who’s going to show up? All I can promise is one incredibly exciting night of action.
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