Ring of Honor Edison, NJ 4/14 results
Credit: mulkeybros/Ring of Honor Discussion Forum
Complete results below:
1. Jason Blade and Eddie Edwards defeat Chris Hero and Tank Toland. "Hot Crowd, Jason pins Tank with a rollup, much better than expected, fun heel work by Tank and Hero."
2. Pelle Primeau defeats Shane Hagadorn to win the Top of the Class Trophy. "Pelle Beats Shane with stunner, decent match. Shane jumped Pelle during entrance, tried to use weapon but Bobby Dempsey told ref. Pelle crowd surfed after the win."
3. Rocky Romero defeats Claudio Castagnoli. "Rocky pinned Claudio with a tilt-a-whirl pin combo. Very good technical match."
4. Steen/Generico vs. Briscoe/Stevens is up.
Erick Stevens was taken out by the No Remorse Corps, Mark Briscoe is now in the match. It is now The Briscoes vs. Steen/Generico. Details hopefully forthcoming!
4. El Generico and Kevin Steen defeat The Briscoe Brothers. The titles were NOT on the line. "Awesome match, Stevens taken out early, turned into a handicap match for awhile. Mark entered the match late, crowd went wild, and it was non-stop action until the end. El Generico pins Mark after a standing brain buster. Mark took many head drops".
5. Doug Williams defeats Colt Cabana. "Doug wins with the Chaos Theory, good comedy, decent wrestling. Colt gave a farewell speech after the match."
INTERMISSION -- Crowd Estimate is 80,104, which sets a NEW INMAN SPORTS CLUB attendance record! Take THAT Vince!
Real Estimate = 700. No pre-show results were given at this time.
6. Sara Del Ray defeats Ernie Osiris. "Sara wins with butterfly hold. Daizee Haze watched the match".
7. SHINGO defeats Matt Cross. "SHINGO won with a Ki Krusher. Good match, started slow, but got faster towards the end".
8. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong defeat Delirious and Jack Evans. "Richards pins Delirious after Strong used a chair and Davey used the D.R. Driver. The NRC used lots of cheap tactics".
9. Takeshi Morishima defeats Nigel McGuinness to retain the ROH World Championship. "Morishima wins with two backdrop drivers, very stiff match, both guys were bleeding from the mouth".
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Labels: Live Event, Pro Wrestling, Results, Ring Of Honor
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